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Aubrey Schwartz is a theatrical designer and sculptor based in Santa Fe, NM.


Aubrey is a New Orleans native with a love for all things theatre. Growing up in a vibrant and expressive culture that revels in costumes and masks strongly influenced Aubrey at an early age. Making costumes and putting on a show came as naturally as walking. She first began her studies in theatre at the age of seven when she was accepted into the Talented Art Progam's theatre performance department. She continued to study and act in TAP productions and in community theatre through highschool. It wasn't until her studies at Louisiana State University that she discovered her true love lie behind the scenes in theatrical design. Over the past 15+ years, Aubrey has made a name for herself as a theatre designer, film designer, puppeteer, actor, and installation artist across several contemporary visual and performing arts, including plays, operas, dance recitals, film, and installation art . Her creations have travelled across Louisiana, Illinois, Florida, Texas, North Carolina, New Mexico, Nevada, and Colorado. She is an active member of the Krewe of Motha Roux art collective, the Women's Caucus for the Arts, the Meow Wolf art collective, and the Santa Fe Shakespeare Society.


Aubrey sees each new project as an opportunity to learn something about humanity and herself. She loves taking on new challenges in the form of mask, costume, set, and artistic design. She never limits herself to one medium or mode of thinking and thrives on the collaborative process that the theatre and immersive installation provides. She enjoys sharing her love of theatre and art through teaching children and adults alike the art form of mask sculpting, puppet building, and movement through mask work. If you are interested in collaborating on a theatrical production, would like a custom designed mask, or would like to hold a workshop on mask construction, mask performance, art instruction, or puppeteering at your school please email AUBREYSCHWARTZDESIGNS@YAHOO.COM.

Theatrical Productions

Vortex Festival, Mask and Wig Design, Meow Wolf, Taos, NM, 2018

SxSw, Costume Design and Stage Management, Meow Wolf, Austin, TX, 2018 

International Folk Art Market Parade and Performance series, Curator, Lead Artist, Production Management, Meow Wolf, Santa Fe, NM, 2017

Summer In The Multiverse, Curator, Production management, Stage management, Meow Wolf, Santa Fe, NM, 2017

House of Halloween, Performer, Costume design, Meow Wolf, Santa Fe, NM, 2016

Romeo & Juliet, Mask Design, Santa Fe Shakespeare Society, Santa Fe, NM, 2016

Specter of the Hollow Hills, Mask Design, Santa Fe Shakespeare Society, Santa Fe, NM, 2015

The Tempest, Mask Design, Santa Fe Shakespeare Society, Santa Fe, NM, 2015

Dying City, Costume Design, Shadow Box Theatre, New Orleans, LA, 2014

The Insanity of Mary Girard, Mask Design, Theatre Louisiane, New Orleans, LA, 2013

The Magic Flute, Mask Design, Southeastern University, Hammond, LA, 2012

Romeo & Juliet, Mask Design, Project Nola/New Orleans Museum of Art, New Orleans, LA, 2011

Children in the Dark, Costume & Makeup Design, Neutral Ground Ensemble, National Tour, 2011-2012

Ascendance Festival, Mask Design, The Kinetic Playground, Chicago, IL, 2010

Midnite's Vultures, Mask & Costume Design, Rasaka Theatre Company, Chicago, IL, 2009

The Winter's Tale, Mask & Costume Design, The Renegade Shakespeare Company, Baton Rouge, LA, 2008

Like Meat, Love Salt, Costume Design, Louisiana State University Outworks Festival, Baton Rouge, LA, 2007

Sexie Commie, Costume Design, Louisiana State University Outworks Festival, Baton Rouge, LA, 2007

The Marriage Go Round, Makeup Design, Louisiana State University Studio, Baton Rouge, LA, 2006

The Exception and the Rule, Scenic Design, Louisiana State University Studio, Baton Rouge, LA, 2006

The Return of Pinocchio, Costume Design, Louisiana State University Studio, Baton Rouge, LA, 2006


The Cycle, Art Direction, Meow Wolf, Santa Fe, NM, 2021

Carlos Medina Shorts, Production Design, Meow Wolf, Santa Fe, NM, 2019

OmegaMart Narrative Content, Actor, Meow Wolf, Las Vegas, NM, 2019

The Love That Would Not Die- Mary K Pop, Puppeteer, Film Sculptor, and Painter, The Human Beast Box, Santa Fe, NM, 2019

Carlos Medina Music Video- No Le Digan, Puppet Builder, Puppeteer, Meow Wolf, Santa Fe, NM, 2018

Float Cafe Commercial, Costume Design, Meow Wolf, Santa Fe, NM, 2018

The Booze Traveler, Art Direction, Prop Builder, The Travel Channel, Santa Fe, NM, 2017

House of Eternal Return Narrative Content, Art Direction, Meow Wolf, Santa Fe, NM, 2016

Santa Fe Tourism Commercial, Art Direction, Santa Fe Board of Tourism, Santa Fe, NM, 2015

Spa Loretto CommercialArt Direction, Loretto Hotel, Santa Fe, NM, 2014

Art Exhibitions

Convergence Station, Meow Wolf, Denver, CO, 2021

OmegaMart, Meow Wolf, Las Vegas, NV, 2021

Kaleidoscape, Elitch Gardens Dark Ride, Denver, CO, 2019

SxSw, Meow Wolf, Austin, TX, 2018

Life Is Beautiful, Meow Wolf, Las Vegas, NV, 2017

The House of Eternal Return, Meow Wolf, Santa Fe, NM, 2016

Women in Art, WCA member show, Midcity Theatre, New Orleans, LA, 2014

Wake of Endymion 2, Motha Roux Hall, New Orleans, LA, 2014

Yugen, Group Show, Indigo Yoga Studio, New Orleans, LA, 2013

Color Atlas, Group Installation, Cathedral Gallery, New Orleans, LA, 2013

Bodhi, Group Show, The Mothaship Gallery, New Orleans, LA, 2013

Post Ism, Group Show, Keller Library, New Orleans, LA, 2013

Wake of Endymion, Group Show, Motha Roux Hall, New Orleans, LA, 2013

Dark Matters, Group Show, Mothaship Gallery, New Orleans, LA, 2013

The Mothaship Launch, Group Show, Mothaship Gallery,  New Orleans, LA, 2013

PS3,Group Show, Indigo Yoga Studio New Orleans, LA, 2013

The Portal Show,Group Show, Indigo Yoga Studio New Orleans, LA, 2012

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Copyright © (2015) Aubrey Schwartz Designs| All rights reserved

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